What is new in setroubleshoot-3.3.8

DBUS API There are 3 new method available in org.fedoraproject.SetroubleshootdIface DBUS interface. All of them were added on request from Cockpit project which uses them for its SELinux troubleshooting feature - http://cockpit-project.org/guide/latest/feature-selinux.html set_filter() Sets a filter on an alert. The alert can be …


There are 3 new method available in org.fedoraproject.SetroubleshootdIface DBUS interface. All of them were added on request from Cockpit project which uses them for its SELinux troubleshooting feature - http://cockpit-project.org/guide/latest/feature-selinux.html


Sets a filter on an alert. The alert can be always filtered, never filtered or after_first filtered.


Returns an array of local_id's, summary's, and report_count's of all alerts which a user set to be ignored.


Deletes an alert from the database.

The complete API is documented in DBUS.md.


By default when setroubleshootd finishes an analysis of an alert, it logs 2 messages - a summary and a full analysis. And given that summary already contains a suggestion to use sealert -l ... command to get a full analysis, the whole analysis could unnecessary flood logs.

Since setroubleshoot-3.3.8 and setroubleshoot-2.2.26, a user can set in /etc/setroubleshoot/setroubleshoot.conf that she doesn’t want full analysis in logs:

log_full_report = False

Configuration file cleanup

For really long time, the default setroubleshoot.conf contained several section and directives which were not used anywhere in the code. As they did nothing they were removed in the latest releases in order not to confuse users.

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